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Friday, December 24, 2010

Sharecash Downloader V6

Hello guys,

It's been some time, when I released the first version of my $harecash downloader, but unfortunately $harecash found about it and blocked multiple IPs to use a premium account, so I had to find a way to use it.

Anyway, here's a new version working (tested by myself).

How to use it:

This is coded in VB.NET so it requires .NET Framework to run. It also requires Internet Explorer installed.

First, open the $harecash Downloader and then type the mirror link in the textbox.

Then press "Navigate" and wait for 10-15 seconds.

Then press "Download" and your file should be download.

[Image: imagezwq.jpg]

Download?? just for click under below


  1. indonesia aja kk bahasa nya walaupun ada google translate
    masih gak ngerti ato kasih video nya kan visual lebih baik dari pada lisan

  2. Ada tulisan leave this page sama stay on this page gan. Trus gmana ?

  3. kalo udah di download filenya dimana?


Sebelum Comment baca dulu nih :
1. sebaiknya anda jadi follower saya dulu (untuk lebih mudah berkomentar, karena profil anda ada di bag. follow)
2. dilarang keras menghina SARA & Rasis kebencian
3. tidak untuk melakukan hal-hal kriminalitas (penipuan , dll)
4. gunakan kata-kata yang sopan

terima kasih atas perhatianya
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